Post by KIRSTIE on Nov 23, 2009 18:14:23 GMT
desolation row ,
[/font]it began as a government project codenamed “desolation row.”
the goal was to get the juvenile delinquents of today’s society
finally rounded up and put in a place where they could do no
harm. they gathered up as many as they could find, whether t
hey were freshly convicted or serving a life sentence in a priso
n. they were put to sleep, and then shipped to desolation row.
desolation row is the middle of f*cking nowhere. it’s a mansio
n in some state surrounded by thousands of acres of nature bui
lt onto the estate. there’s a fence surrounding the entire permite
r, and there is no gate. it’s charged with electricity and has barb
ed wire at the top, so trying to get through it is nothing short of
suicide. and even at that, you’re in the middle of nowhere – wh
ere do you think you’re going to go? as for the mansion itself, i
t‘s completely empty – until you lot got here, that was. the gov
ernment gave you animals, seeds, and enough food to last you
maybe the next six months.
they’re done picking up your sh*t, kiddies. it’s time for you to g
row up and learn how to live your own lives. you either work wi
th the cheats and find a way to get the food grown and a gurante
e that you’ll be here next year, or you work with the bullets and
kill off everyone weak. or maybe this all just a big joke to you, a
nd you’re just planning on using this as a grand drug deal and a
boost to your prostitution business. or maybe you don’t belong h
ere at all. well, too bad for you – you’re learning valuable life les
sons here.
it began as a government project codenamed “desolation row.”
juvenile delinquents were sent away to a mansion cut off from
the rest of society in every way imaginable.
you said you could do better.
SO PROVE IT.[/size][/center]